I have no intention of hiding the fact that career is very very important to me specially now since I have a plan to open my company right after collage but yesterday I discovered just how very career oriented I really am.
My boyfrend took me out to luch yesterday and I decided to wear my favourite purse (mine is actually a cute heart-shaped back pack with bat wings :D) and when I reached for it I found it covered in DUST! I haven't been out in soo long that it got all dusty! o.O
That was a huge shock for me becouse I used to be a real party animal only few years ago :D
Anyways since I never share my oufit photos I decided to do that today :D
the pictures aren't the best I really don't have any camrea stand and I tried improvisation but it's just haven't found a good place for that ... also I'm to lazy to photoshop them haha :)
Today I wore a kind of summer dress I got from my neighboor ;)
Side. so you can see my dusty backpack :D
Another one of my backpack ^^ it's soo cute! *__*
The cutest shoes <3
home made chocker and cross neckles ;)